It’s not about being stronger. We are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength!
Being born in a middle-class family, life was certainly not a bed of roses. That pushed me to study and work hard like all others. Topper in every test, exams, sports and what not, now I’m pursuing my degree in Biotechnology at UPM. Why? Because they all say, “study hard, you will get a great job. Life will be settled.” Till I was 19, yes that seemed very true. Until I came across a realization that a 9-5 job is never going to take me to where I want to be.
I was looking for some way to support myself financially without depending on my parents. But, Superlife World gave me more than what I was looking for, an opportunity to start my own business and to bring out the Entrepreneur in me, not only to support myself but to support those I love too.
In my journey of entrepreneurship, which was obviously not a piece of cake, I succeeded 100 times, failed a million times and learnt about more than business another zillion times. 5,000 members from 25 countries till date. It has all brought me to today, the youngest Female Crown Diamond in Superlife World, to have made an accumulated income of USD 100,000 in just 2 years, as a part timer.
This achievement would not be possible without the guidance of our CEO, Mr Lai, Co-Founders, Mr. Harry, Mr. Paul and Mr. Leo.
I would also like to thank my Direct sponsor and direct coach, CD Chief Vijay for introducing me to this amazing platform and for guiding every step of the way.
A special thank you to our Dominator Leaders, Chief Mohan, Chief Varan, Master Vith, Chief Vimalan, core leaders, and not forgetting my team, Dominator itself.
Someone wise once told me, it’s not about who you become at the end of the day that matters, it’s how many lives you have touched and changed that makes you worthy of success. Therefore, last but not the least, I would like to thank my business partners, for the trust, loyalty and the respect they have towards my leadership in this journey.
So, if you are someone out there, who is waiting for an opportunity or waiting for an inspiration to be inspired. Stop waiting! Go out there and grab that opportunity, be that person you want to look up to. You are your biggest motivation and inspiration. I waited 19 years. You can start now. Join me in this journey. Let’s move forward together and become millionaires!
Thank you, Universe!
Life is Super!