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TRIPLE CROWN DIAMOND – Gengesvaran Chelladurai

TRIPLE CROWN DIAMOND - Gengesvaran Chelladurai

This moment is the proudest moment in my life as so much have been visualised, realised and accomplished since I started my journey with SuperLife 5 years ago. 

As someone who came from a very humble background and as the eldest and only son with 3 younger sisters, there have been numerous occasions when I really felt frustrated and pressurised for not being able to support my aging parents when they struggle to make ends meet. It really affected my self esteem and confidence. 

On many instances, I was jeered, ridiculed, mocked and laughed at for choosing this industry.  But I was very confident and positive that this is the opportunity that I have been waiting for all the while.

Thanks to the universe for the blessings showered upon me in the form of Superlife at the most opportune time. Success is the fruit of good ideas pursued with energy, intelligence, and determination.

At this junction, I would like to thank our beloved CEO Mr.Lai Tek Kean for this wonderful business platform and also our management team Mr. Paul Nair, Mr. Harry Tee and Mr.Leo. My sincere gratitude also goes to my sponsor & Brother and Best Friend Chief Mohan, founder of team Dominator,Chief Vithia,Dr.Maha and Chief Vimalan for the endless support and encouragement and not forgotten my best friend who thought this journey Chief Lakshman..

Thanks to all my Core teams and leaders locally and internationally for being true professionals and for being inspirational. Truly blessed to be working with such a phenomenal team. This success is the result of all your hard work and dedication as a team. I am honoured and privileged to be working with you all. 

When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge,  every adversity, contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.

Roy T. Bennett.

Hardwork with consistency and persistency will surely bring you success and satisfaction in life.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support, guidance, trust and love.



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